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Surya Namaskaar Mantras & Movement

Writer's picture: kirti921kirti921

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

Om Mitraaya Namaha:


Praise be to the One who is the friend of all

Om Ravaye Namaha:

Uttita Hastasana

Praise be to the One who shines brightly and is filled with radiance

Om Suryaaya Namaha:

Pada Hastasana

Praise be to the One who eliminates darkness and brings in light

Om Bhaanave Namaha:

Aswa Sanchalasana

Praise be to the One who is filled with brilliance and lustre

Om Khagaya Namaha:

Uttita Chaturangasana      

Praise be to the One who traverses the entire sky and is all-pervasive

Om Pooshne Namaha:           Ashtangasana

Praise be to the One who provides nourishment and fulfils desires

Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha: Bhujangasana

Praise be to the One with a golden-hued lustre

Om Mareechaye Namaha:

Adho Mukhasvanasana

Praise be to the One who shines with the light of innumerable rays

Om Adityaaya Namaha:

Ashwa Sanchalasana

Praise be to the One who is the son of the divine cosmic mother, Aditi

Om Savitre Namaha:

Pada Hastasana

Praise be to the One who gives life

Om Aarkaaya Namaha:

Uttita Hastasana

Praise be to the One who is worthy of all glory

Om Bhaskaraaya Namaha:


Praise be to the One who is wise and illuminates the heavenly world


Step 1


Yoga Asana:

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)


Om Mitraaya Namaha

ॐ मित्राय नमः


One who is friendly to all.

  • Pranamasana helps maintain the balance of the body.



Step 2

Yoga Asana:

Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)


Om Ravaye Namaha

 रवये नमः।


The shining or the radiant one.

Hastauttanasana stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen. It also expands the chest, resulting in a full intake of oxygen, thereby fully utilizing the lung capacity.


Step 3

Yoga Asana:

Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)


Om Suryaya Namaha

 सूर्याय नम:


The dispeller of darkness, responsible for generating activity.

  • Hastapadasana makes the waist and spine flexible.


Step 4

Yoga Asana:  

 Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)


Om Bhaanave Namaha

 भानवे नमः।


One who illuminates or the bright one.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana strengthens the leg muscles. Makes the spine and neck flexible. Good for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.

Step 5

Yoga Asana:

Dandasana (Stick Pose)


Om Khagaya Namaha

 खगाय नमः।


One who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.

Dandasana strengthens the arms and backImproves posture.Stretches the shoulders, chest, and spine.Calms the mind.


Step 6

Yoga Asana:

Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts Pose)


Om Pooshne Namaha

 पूष्णे  नमः।


Giver of nourishment and fulfillment.

Ashtanga Namaskara enhances the flexibility of the back and spine.Strengthens the back muscles.Reduces tension and anxiety.

Step 7

Yoga Asana:

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha

 हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः।


One who has a golden colored brilliance.

Bhujangasana stretches the shoulders, chest, and back.Increases flexibility.Elevates mood.Invigorates the heart.



Step 8

Yoga Asana:

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)


Om Mareechaye Namaha

 मरीचये नमः।


Giver of light with infinite rays.

Parvatasana strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.Increases blood flow to the spinal region.



Step 9

Yoga Asana:

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)


Om Aadityaaya Namaha

 आदित्याय नम:


The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.

  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana tones the abdominal organs.


Step 10

Yoga Asana:

Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)


Om Savitre Namaha

 सवित्रे नमः।


One who is responsible for life.

Hastapadasana stretches the hamstrings.Opens the hips, shoulders, and arms.



Step 11

Yoga Asana:

Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)


Om Arkaaya Namaha

 अर्काय नमः।


One who is worthy of praise and glory.

Hastauttanasana stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen.Expands the chest resulting in a full intake of oxygen. Lung capacity is fully utilized.


Step 12

Yoga Asana:

Tadasana (Standing or Palm Tree Pose)


Om Bhaskaraya Namaha

 भास्कराय नमः।


Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.

  • Tadasana improves posture.

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